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during the November and December holiday season, though seemingly incongr uous in the
heat of B uenos Air es's summer . The “ po parisky eggs ” form another classic dish—two
poached eggs in a br ead shell topped with a rich mushr oom-and-bacon sauce. The restau-
rant's wine list spans seven countries, with the world's best Malbec coming from Mendoza.
Marriott Plaza Hot el, Calle Florida 1005 (at Santa F e overlooking Plaza San M artín). & 11/4318-3070.
Reservations recommended. Main courses $12-$25 (£8.20-£17). AE, DC, MC, V. Daily noon-4pm and
7pm-midnight. Metro: San Martín.
Broccolino ITALIAN The name of this restaurant doesn't mean little broccoli; it's
a corruption of I talian immigrant slang for N ew York's biggest and once most heavily
Italian bor ough (notice the B rooklyn memorabilia filling the walls and the mural of
Manhattan's skyline). This casual trattoria near Calle F lorida is popular with N orth
Americans. Many of the waiters speak E nglish, and the r estaurant has a distinctly N ew
York feel. Three small dining r ooms ar e decorated in quintessential r ed-and-white-
checkered tablecloths, and the smell of tomatoes, onions, and garlic fills the air . The
restaurant is kno wn for its spicy pizzas, fr esh pastas, and, abo ve all, its sauces ( salsas in
Spanish). The restaurant also ser ves 907 kilograms (2,000 lb .) per month of bab y cala-
mari sautéed in wine, onions, parsley, and garlic.
Córdoba 820 (at Esmeralda). & 11/4322-9848. Reser vations r ecommended. M ain c ourses $5-$15
(£3.40-£10). No credit cards. Daily noon-4pm and 7pm-1am. Metro: Lavalle.
Café de la Ciudad CAFE/ARGENTINE The city 's only r estaurant with outdoor
dining directly overlooking the Obelisco, Café de la Ciudad opened 40 years ago on one
of the six corners ar ound the landmar k, on A venida 9 de J ulio. It's like B uenos Aires's
Times Square, where you can watch the myriad flashing electr onic ads for Japanese and
American companies. Sure, it's noisy, and, sure, you're a target for beggars, but y ou'll be
dining under the symbol of the city. The food comes in large por tions; sandwiches, piz-
zas, and specially priced executive menus are made fast, so it's a great stop if you're short
on time. The subway station Carlos Pellegrini is right here too. On nights after the Boca
Juniors have won a game, it 's a gr eat free show, when locals gather to cheer under the
Obelisco, as cars and taxis hur tle by, beeping at the cr owd. The cafe is also a 24-hour
place, so y ou can stop b y after clubbing or a sho w at one of the nearb y theaters, and
watch the parade of Porteños passing by.
Corrientes 999 (at C arlos Pellegrini, Av. 9 de Julio). & 11/4322-8905 or 11/4322-6174. M ain courses
$3-$12 (£2-£8.20). AE, DC, MC, V. Daily 24 hr. Metro: Carlos Pellegrini.
Empire ASIAN/THAI This restaurant is interesting, but it's in a surprisingly deso-
late part of the MicroCentro—steps away from the action, on a very small street that gets
little foot traffic but was recently pedestrianized. Enter this dark space, with paintings of
elephants and mosaic decorations made from broken mirrors on the columns, and you'll
feel as though y ou've stepped into some kind of funky club . For vegetarians seeking a
break from the meat offerings ev erywhere else, it 's is an ideal stop , with its many all-
vegetable or noodle offerings. M any come for drinks alone and sit at the large bar with
shelves of backlit bottles casting a warm glow. Empire's advertising symbol is the Empire
State Building, but there's nothing New York-like about it. It's also one of the city's most
popular restaurants among gay locals.
Tres Sargentos 427 (at San Martín). & 11/5411-4312 or 11/5411-5706. Main
courses $6-$10 (£4.05-£6.80). AE, MC, V. Mon-Fri noon-1am; Sat 7:30pm-3am. Metro: San Martín.
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