Agriculture Reference
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Future research directions and conclusions
Great strides have been made over the last few years in understanding and utilising BCAs.
Molecular biology has played a big part in mode of action studies and, as these techniques
advance further, additional novel information that may help the practical application of
BCAs is likely to be generated. For example, analysis of expressed sequence tags (ESTs)
has provided novel information on genes expressed by Trichoderma harzianum (Liu &
Yang, 2005; Vizcaino et al ., 2006), and genes differentially expressed during growth in
the presence of cell walls of host fungi or during mycoparasitism itself have been identi-
fi ed in several systems (Carpenter et al ., 2005; Massart & Jijakli, 2006; Muthumeenakshi
et al ., 2007). Differential gene expression has also been used to identify novel genetic
markers associated with biocontrol activities in Bacillus subtilis (Joshi & Gardener,
2006). This can be scaled up further with gene chip technology or transcriptomics,
already applied to monitor broad changes in gene expression due to ISR in Arabidopsis
(Verhagen et al ., 2004). The increasing availability of whole genome sequences of BCAs,
such as that for Pseudomonas fl uorescens PF-5 (Loper et al ., 2007) and Trichoderma har-
zianum (underway) is also likely to shed new insights into biocontrol. Proteomic studies
are also revealing new information on proteins expressed during growth of Trichoderma
atroviride on cell walls of Rhizoctonia solani (Grinyer et al ., 2005) and during three-
way interactions between T. atroviride , bean plants and Botrytis cinerea and Rhizoctonia
solani (Marra et al ., 2006) and are also likely to provide new concepts to improve bio-
control activity. Understanding more about signalling between microorganisms during
biocontrol may also allow a new way of controlling disease (Molina et al ., 2003; Uroz
et al ., 2003; Dong et al ., 2004; Lutz et al ., 2004; Pierson & Pierson, 2007).
If genes active in biocontrol are identifi ed and sequenced it is also possible to constitutively
over express these genes and potentially enhance biocontrol activity. Recently, this con-
cept has been tested by introducing two genes, a
into Trichoderma virens , and despite a decrease in growth and sporulation, the double
over-expression transformants still provided enhanced bioprotection of cotton seedlings
against Pythium ultimum, Rhizoctonia solani and Rhizopus oryzae (Djonovic et al .,
2007). An endochitinase gene from Trichoderma harzianum has also been transformed
into potato and tobacco and these transgenic plants exhibited increased disease resistance
(Lorito et al ., 1998). Nevertheless, all genetic modifi cation procedures are subject to strict
regulation relating to use in the environment. Consequently, even though they may show
great promise they are unlikely to become commercialised as they would face a double leg-
islation hurdle associated with use both as a pesticide and genetically modifi ed organism.
More practical areas for future research relate to the continuum of production, formula-
tion, application and ecology of BCAs. Any advances that can improve quantity, quality
and shelf life of inocula would be welcome, particularly bacteria such as Pseudomonas
that do not form spores. Recently, for the fi rst time, both Pseudomonas and Trichoderma
isolates have been simultaneously applied to seed via drum priming and found to sur-
vive and proliferate on roots similarly to when applied individually (Bennett & Whipps,
2007). This procedure may be a way to apply and maintain multiple BCAs in a com-
mercially relevant process. Combining different strains of BCAs has frequently been
suggested as a way ahead for biocontrol as they may express different biocontrol traits,
give higher levels of protection, reduce variability, and increase the range of pathogens
suppressed (Dunne et al ., 1998; Guetsky et al ., 2002; Jetiyanon & Kloepper, 2002;
-1,3-glucanase and a
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