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reviewing existing Web sites that present artwork for educational purposes and by fi nd-
ing current trends in art education. He also asks you to fi nd out what image fi le formats
are compatible with Dreamweaver.
1. Start your Web browser, type the URL for a search engine into the Address bar, and
then press the Enter key to open the search engine. (Two popular search engines are and .)
2. Search for relevant Web sites by using the keywords western art . ( Hint : If too many
unrelated choices appear, narrow the search by typing quotation marks around the
keywords. If no matches appear, check your spelling and try again.)
3. Click the link for an appropriate page to open the Web site, and then explore the
Web site, taking notes about what information is included, how the material is orga-
nized, and what images are included. Be sure to write down the site's URL.
4. Return to the search engine, and then search for Web sites about Charles Russell .
5. Click the link for an appropriate page to open the Web site, and then explore the
Web site, taking notes about the site's content and organization. Be sure to write
down the site's URL.
6. Return to the search engine, and then search for Web sites related to art education .
Explore at least one Web site, taking notes about its content and organization. Be
sure to write down the site's URL.
7. Write a memo to Moni describing your fi ndings. List features you would like to
incorporate into the new Web site. Include the URL for each site you analyzed.
8. Close the browser.
9. Start Dreamweaver, and then reset the workspace to the Designer confi guration.
10. Use Dreamweaver Help to fi nd information about using images in a Web site. Use
the Search feature to locate the About images Help topic.
11. Read the About images topic to learn about the image fi le formats that
Dreamweaver uses.
12. Add to your memo a brief explanation of which image fi le formats are compatible
with Dreamweaver.
13. Exit Dreamweaver. Submit your completed memo to your instructor.
Case Problem 3
Find and review
Web sites in
preparation for
creating a Web
site for a life
There are no Data Files needed for this Case Problem.
Success with Tess Tess Haranda is a life coach who has more than 15 years of experi-
ence in the corporate world. She obtained her Core Essentials certifi cation from the
International Coaching Federation. She earned a B.A. from Texas Tech University in
Communication Studies and is currently employed as a public school teacher. Tess
believes that a Success with Tess Web site will help take her coaching career to the next
level. Tess wants you to create and maintain a Web site for Success with Tess in hopes of
expanding her market through Internet exposure. Tess asks you to research the Web sites
of other life coaches.
1. Start your Web browser, type the URL for a search engine into the Address bar, and
then press the Enter key to open the search engine. (Two popular search engines are and .)
2. Search for relevant Web sites by using the keywords life coaches . The search engine
displays a list of pages that contain the words in your search.
3. Click the link for an appropriate page to open the Web site, and then explore the
Web site, taking notes about the site's design, what information is included, how the
material is organized, and to whom the site would appeal. Be sure to write down
the site's URL.
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