Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Checking a Site for Browser Compatibility
The Browser Compatibility Check feature reviews the code in Web site fi les and iden-
tifi es combinations of HTML and CSS that might have rendering problems in certain
browsers or are unsupported by the browsers. After you run a Browser Compatibility
Check on a page, any potential CSS rendering issues or unsupported CSS code are listed
in the Browser Compatibility panel. A confi dence rating indicates the likelihood of the
bug's occurrence (ranging from a quarter-fi lled circle for a possible occurrence to a fi lled
circle for a very likely occurrence). For each potential issue, the panel displays a link to
documentation about the bug on Adobe CSS Advisor, which is a Web site that details
commonly known browser rendering bugs, and offers solutions for fi xing them.
By default, the Browser Compatibility Check feature checks against Firefox 1.5;
Internet Explorer (Windows) 6.0 and 7.0; Internet Explorer (Macintosh) 5.2; Netscape
Navigator 8.0; Opera 8.0 and 9.0; and Safari 2.0. You can choose which of these brows-
ers to check compatibility with and the minimum browser version you plan to support.
Three levels of potential browser-support problems can arise:
• An error indicates CSS code that might cause a serious visible problem in a particular
browser, such as causing parts of a page to disappear.
• A warning indicates a piece of CSS code that isn't supported in a particular browser,
but that won't cause any serious display problems.
• An informational message indicates code that isn't supported in a particular browser,
but that has no visible effect.
Browser compatibility checks do not change the page in any way.
To run a Browser Compatibility Check:
1. Open the site you want to check for browser compatibility, and then open the
page to check.
2. On the Document toolbar, click the Check browser compatibility button, and
then click Settings . The Target Browsers dialog box opens. See Figure A-1.
Figure A-1
Target Browsers dialog box
select the
select the
browsers to
check for
3. Click check boxes as needed to select the browsers your target audience might use.
4. If necessary, click the version button, and then click the minimum browser version
your target audience might use.
5. Click the OK button. The Browser Compatibility panel opens below the Property
inspector. See Figure A-2.
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