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You'll review status bar items as you explore and modify the Lineup page.
To use the status bar to modify the Lineup page:
1. Open the lineup.html page. The Lineup page opens in the Document window.
2. At the top of the page, drag to select the NextBest Fest logo . The tag selec-
tor in the status bar shows the HTML tags associated with the selected text. See
Figure 1-18.
Figure 1-18
Status bar items
selected text
current dimensions of
the Docum e nt window
percentage of
the page content
HTML tags
surrounding the
selected text
pointer tools
document size
and estimated
download time
Trouble? If you don't see the <h1> tag or the <a> tag in the status bar, the tag
isn't selected in the underlying code. Continue with Step 3.
3. Below the NextBest Fest logo, drag to select some of the text. Some of the follow-
ing HTML tags appear in the tag selector: <body>, <h4>, <h3>, <p>, and <a>.
4. On the Document window title bar, click the Restore button
. The Document
window becomes sizable. See Figure 1-19.
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