Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 1-12
Files panel with the fi les list
click to display the
remote site f iles
site list for the Old
NextBest Fest site;
can also be used
as a file browser
click to collapse
the files li s t
files list of the
local Old NextBest
Fest site
click to expand
the panel
click to di splay the
subfolder file list
When a Web site is selected, the folders and pages in the local root folder of that
site are displayed. Currently, the folders and pages in the local root folder of the Old
NextBest Fest site are visible. A folder icon precedes the folder name, whereas a
Dreamweaver Web page icon precedes the Web page fi lenames. Each fi lename is fol-
lowed by a fi le extension , which is used by Windows to determine the fi le type. The
fi le extension for Web pages can be either .html or .htm. Depending on how your Web
server is set up, you might be required to use one or the other for the entire site or for
only the default page.
You can open any page in the Web site by double-clicking its fi lename in the fi les
list. Although there are other methods for opening Web pages in Dreamweaver, this
method ensures that you always open the fi le from the local root folder (rather than from
a backup copy or another location). Each page opens in the Document window. You can
open multiple pages at one time. The fi lenames of all the open pages appear in page tabs
in the Document window title bar above the Document toolbar. The active page is dis-
played in the Document window, the name of the active page is displayed in the active
page tab, and the fi le path for the active page appears on the right side of the Document
window title bar.
You'll use the Files panel to open the Lineup and Fest Info pages.
To open the Lineup and Fest Info pages from the Files panel:
1. On the Files panel, double-click lineup.html . The Lineup page opens in the
Document window.
2. Double-click festinfo.html in the Files panel. The Fest Info page opens in the
Document window and is the active page. See Figure 1-13.
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