Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 7-13
Flash Player version penetration
Flash Pl ayer version
penetration statistics
Trouble? If the data you see differs from Figure 7-13, Adobe has updated the
data since this tutorial was published. Continue with Step 4.
4. Close the browser.
The statistics show that the Flash Player has a larger share of the market than any of
the competing technologies. It is included with most current browsers. As a result, most
users will likely be able to view any Flash components that you add to a Web site. This is
one reason that Flash is one of the most widely used media on the Web.
Using the Latest Flash Player
Although the Flash Player has a 99 percent browser penetration, not everyone has the
latest version of the player installed on their computer. As of December 2009, Flash
Player 10 has 94.7 percent penetration. As a result, users might encounter some differ-
ences in how a Web page displays on their screen. This is generally not a big issue. If a
user is connected to the Internet and does not have the latest version of the Flash Player,
Flash generally opens a dialog box, prompting the user to install the latest version of the
player. The update is quick and easy to install.
Adding a Flash Movie to a Web Page
You will add a Flash movie with an animation that rotates the logos of bands performing
at the NextBest Fest to the home page. When you insert a Flash movie, Dreamweaver
places the code for the movie in the page and copies links to additional scripts to the
scripts folder. Dreamweaver also prompts you to include a copy of the movie in the local
root folder. You do this so that all the materials for the site are in one place. Any links to
elements outside the local root folder will be incorrect after the site is uploaded to the
remote server. If you are using only a few media elements in a site, you can place the
fi les in the graphics folder. If you plan to use many media elements in a site, it is a good
idea to create a new folder for each type of element so that the site remains organized
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