Graphics Programs Reference
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3. Click the OK button to close the dialog box. A text field is inserted in the cell.
You'll set its attributes in the Property inspector.
4. Select the text field, and then in the Property inspector, type first_name in the
TextField box, type 50 in the Char width box, type 100 in the Max chars box, and
then click the Single line option button, if necessary. See Figure 6-30.
Figure 6-30
Text fi eld added to the form
field label
text field
text field a ttributes
Next, you'll add the last_name label and text field to the third row of the table.
5. Click in the left column of the third row of the table, type Last Name: to enter the
label, and then press the Tab key to move the insertion point to the next cell.
6. In the Forms category of the Insert panel, click the Text Field button, and then
click the OK button to close the Input Tag Accessibility Attributes dialog box. The
second text field is inserted in the table.
7. Select the text field, and then, in the Property inspector, type last_name in the
TextField box, type 50 in the Char width box, type 100 in the Max chars box, and
click the Single line option button, if necessary.
You'll add the Email Address label and text field to the fourth row of the table.
8. Click in the left column of the fourth row, type Email Address: to enter the label,
and then press the Tab key to move the insertion point to the next cell.
9. Repeat Steps 6 and 7 to insert a third text field, typing email_address in the
TextField box, 50 in the Char width box, and 100 in the Max chars box, and click-
ing the Single line option button, if necessary.
You'll add the comments label and text area to the fifth row of the table.
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