Graphics Programs Reference
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Navigate to the Tutorial.05\Tutorial folder included with your Data Files,
double-click brian.jpg , type Brian Lee, co-owner of Shenpa Productions. in the
Alternate text box, and then click the OK button. The graphic appears in the page
below the heading.
With the brian.jpg image reinserted in the about.html page, you are ready to format
the image. You will create and apply a style for the image, and then you will add other
content to the page.
To format the brian.jpg image and add content:
1. Expand the CSS Styles panel, and then create a Class selector named .images_
left and defined in the nbf_styles.css style sheet.
2. In the Box category, set the float to left , and set the margin to 5 . In the Border
category, set the top style to solid , set the top width to thin , and then set the top
color to #CFF .
3. Click the OK button. The style is saved and ready to apply to the brian.jpg image.
4. In the Document window, select the brian.jpg image, if necessary.
In the Property inspector, click the Class arrow, and then click images_left . The
style is applied to the image.
5. Press the Right arrow key to deselect the image, and position the insertion point
to the right of the image. See Figure 5-17.
Figure 5-17
New style applied to the brian.jpg image
insertion point
where you want
to add content
brian.jpg image
formatted with
the images_left
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