Graphics Programs Reference
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12. Apply Heading 1 to “Moebius Skateboards,” using the Format list in the HTML pane
of the Property inspector to apply the h1 tag.
13. Apply Heading 2 to “Check Out Team Moebius,” using the Format list in the HTML
pane of the Property inspector to apply the h2 tag.
14. In the CSS Styles panel, select the body,td,th style, and then in the Properties
pane, use the color picker to change the color attribute to black,#000, and change
the font-size attribute to 16. All of the text in the home page changes to a larger,
black font.
15. Save the home page and the moebius.css style sheet, and then preview the home
page in a browser.
16. Upload the index.html page and the stylesheets folder to your live server, and then
preview the page over the Internet.
17. Submit your fi nished fi les to your instructor.
Case Problem 2
Add and format
text links, create
an external style
sheet, and apply
styles to text
you add to an
art education
Web site.
Data File needed for this Case Problem: cowboy.docx
Cowboy Art Society Moni wants you to add content to the Web site you are creating for
the Cowboy Art Society. He has provided the content for the home page in a Microsoft
Word document, which you will import. You will create a navigation system that will
appear on all of the pages and add a horizontal rule to each page. You'll move the cur-
rent styles to an external style sheet, and then you will use these styles to format the text.
Finally, you'll upload the site to a remote location and preview it. The Society believes
it is important that the site be accessible to everyone who wants to learn about the art-
ist Charles Russell. Moni asks you to follow accessibility guidelines while creating the
site. After you import the content into the home page, you'll see that the text does not
meet accessibility guidelines because it is not easily distinguished from the background
by someone with impaired vision. The site plan specifi es that you will add a background
behind the content, which will make the text clearly visible. You'll do this in a later tutorial.
1. Open the Cowboy Charlie site you created in Tutorial 2, Case 2, and then open the
index.html page in Design view.
2. Move the styles from the home page to an external style sheet named cowboy_
styles.css stored in a new folder named stylesheets that you create in the local root
folder for the site, and then save the page and the style sheet.
3. In the Document window, click to place the insertion point in the home page. You
will import content from a Word document into the page.
4. On the Application bar, click File, point to Import, and then click Word Document to
open the Import Word Document dialog box. Browse to the Tutorial.03\Case2 folder
included with your Data Files, click cowboy.docx , and then click the Open button.
The content is imported into the page.
5. In the Document window, place the pointer after “Cowboy Charlie,” press the Enter
key to insert two lines, and then press the Delete key to move the next line of text
two lines below this line. Repeat this step after the word “Poetry,” after the Welcome
to the World of Cowboy Charlie heading, and after the end of the fi rst paragraph.
6. Select the Cowboy Charlie text, create a class style named .logo that is saved in the
cowboy_styles.css style sheet, and then, in the Type category, select xx-large for the
font size.
7. Apply the logo style to the logo. ( Hint : Use the Class list in the HTML pane of the
Property inspector to apply the style to the logo.)
8. In the home page, create the links to the navigation text, as follows: Charles M.
Russell - russell.html , Artwork - artwork.html , Poetry - poetry.html .
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