Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Web folder is usually but not always a subfolder of your default FTP folder. The host
directory is available from your hosting provider.
Username. Your assigned login name or user name.
Password. Your assigned password. After you set the password, you can use the Test
button to verify that you have entered the information correctly and that you can con-
nect to the remote server.
Be careful when typing
your login name and
password, as they might
be case sensitive.
Letting Dreamweaver Save Your Password
Dreamweaver can save your password. During your work session, you should leave the
Save check box checked. If you leave the Save check box unchecked, you might have
to reenter your password periodically throughout your work session. If you are working
on a public system, however, before ending your work session, open the Remote Info
category in the Site Definition dialog box and uncheck the Save check box. This ensures
that the next person to use the computer cannot load your site definition and log on to
your account. If you do not uncheck the Save check box, your password remains on the
computer .
Use passive FTP. A server parameter. This information is available from your hosting
provider. If you cannot obtain this information, leave the check box checked. If you
have diffi culties when you preview the site on the Web, reopen the Site Defi nition
dialog box and uncheck the Use passive FTP check box.
Use IPv6 transfer mode. Internet Protocol Version 6 is a new Internet transfer proto-
col that will gradually replace the existing protocol, IPv4, over the next several years.
Most of today's Internet uses IPv4, but this version is 20 years old and is beginning to
have problems. IPv6 fi xes a number of problems in IPv4, such as the limited number
of available IPv4 addresses. You do not need to check this check box until your ISP
instructs you to change to IPv6.
Use Proxy, as defi ned in Preferences. This option is relevant only if your network
includes a fi rewall (or other system) that requires a password for outbound connec-
tions. (This is a rare occurrence, especially in schools, because most network fi re-
walls are not set up to restrict outbound FTP connections.) A fi rewall is a hardware or
software device that restricts access between the computer network and the Internet or
between a computer and other computers.
Use FTP performance optimization. Checking this check box enables Dreamweaver to
increase the speed of server transfers, however; this setting does not work with all serv-
ers. Start with this setting checked, then, if you encounter problems connecting when
you press the Test button, uncheck this check box and try the test again.
Use alternative FTP move method. There are several methods used, within FTP, to
move fi les. Some servers do not support all methods. Checking this check box enables
Dreamweaver to try alternative methods when the most common methods do not
work. Do not check this box unless you have problems connecting.
Maintain synchronization information. This option enables Dreamweaver to automati-
cally synchronize your local and remote fi les. Be aware that if you check this option
and the remote server time or your local computer time is not accurate, Dreamweaver
might overwrite new fi les with old fi les.
Automatically upload fi les to server on save. This option automatically uploads fi les to
the remote server when you save a page. Do not check this check box.
Enable fi le check in and check out. This option enables multiple users to access fi les
on the Web site. You will not use this option for these exercises.
You will create a remote site defi nition so that you can preview the NextBest Fest site
on the Web. If you do not have access to FTP, you will not be able to create and preview
the remote Web site.
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