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These help in using the range data type, for example:
Insert Into rangetest (ic50) Values ( range_parse('<27.5') );
Select range_text(ic50) from rangetest;
ic50 |
10 |
<10 |
>10 |
<27.5 |
It is always possible to use the ordinary external representation of the
range data type using parentheses, but using range _ format and
range _ text conforms to more common representations of data like
these. It is possible to automate the range to text conversion even more,
using the create cast SQL command, as follows.
Create Cast (range as text) With Function range_text(range)
As Implicit;
When this is done, the range _ text function is implicitly called whenever
necessary. So, the following SQL would produce the same table as shown
Select ic50::text from rangetest;
Since the range data type is not a standard SQL data type, the standard
SQL operators cannot be used with this data type. However, new opera-
tors can be defined using SQL functions. Since the range data type is so
similar to the float data type, implicit conversion to float is appro-
priate. This automatically allows many of the standard SQL operators to
work with exact(=) range values.
Create Function range_float(range) Returns Float As $$
Select Case When ($1).q = '=' Then ($1).v End;
$$ Language SQL;
Create Cast (range as float) With Function range_float(range)
As Implicit;
As with the range _ text conversion, the range _ float conversion
allows range values to be converted to float , whenever possible. This
makes the following SQL work without explicit definition of the sqrt
function for range data types.
Select ic50, ic50::text, ic50::float, sqrt(ic50) from rangetest;
ic50 | ic50 | ic50 | sqrt
(=,10) | 10 | 10 | 3.16227766016838
(<,10) | <10
(>,10) | >10
(>,27.5) | <27.5
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