Geoscience Reference
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We verified that its origins are supported by a sort of classical and erudite knowl-
edge, based on the spirit of humanities, which formed the foundation for the
secondary education in our country, before the establishment of
the first
Also, much of this classical geographical knowledge and, as a result, Cartogra-
phy is part of it, is still present at schools by means of what we call “hard core of
cartographic contents”: a set of notions, concepts and subjects such as “Direction
and Orientation”, “Shape of the Earth and Movement of celestial bodies”, “Imagi-
nary lines: parallels and meridians”, “Geographic coordinates/Latitude and Longi-
tude”, “Map” and “Globe”, that have lasted in the Brazilian curriculum of
Geography addressed to secondary education for the last two centuries, approxi-
mately. These explicit concepts, as well as the teaching method historically
established by teachers-authors of textbooks, whom most of them also contributed
to the production of the official programmes, at least until the forties, demonstrate a
distinguished cultural production in which we verified that school Geography
appears not only as a vulgarization or an adaptation of scientific Geographic
knowledge, but as a characteristic and original knowledge from the educational
institution for the educational institution. Thus, two different groups of knowledge
were set up: the one intended for teaching and another for the academy.
Almeida RD (2003) Cartografia na escolar.
index.htm . Accessed 3 May 2005
Almeida RD (2007) Apresenta¸˜o. In: Almeida RD (ed) Cartografia escolar. Contexto, S˜o Paulo
Almeida RD, Sanchez MC, Picarelli A (1997) Atividades cartogr´ficas, vol 2, 3 e 4. Atual, S˜o
Bittencourt CMF (1993) Livro did´tico e conhecimento hist´rico: uma hist´ria do saber escolar.
Dissertation, Universidade de S˜o Paulo
Brazilian Department of Elementary Education (1998) Par ˆ metros curriculares nacionais:
geografia. MEC/SEF, Bras ´ lia
Callai HC (1999) A geografia no ensino m ´ dio. Terra Livre 14:60-99
Colesanti MTM (1984) O ensino de Geografia atrav ´ s do livro did ´ tico no per ´ odo de 1890 a 1971.
Dissertation, Institute of Geosciences and Exact Science, Universidade Estadual Paulista
Gasparello AM (2002) Historiografia did ´ tica e pesquisa no ensino de hist ´ ria. In: X encontro
regional de hist ´ ria, ANPUH-RJ, “Hist ´ ria e Biografias”. Universidade do Estado do Rio de
Gasparello AM (2006) Tradu¸ ˜ es, apostilas e livros did ´ ticos: of ´ cios e saberes na constru¸ ˜ o das
disciplinas escolares. In: Usos do passado, XII encontro regional de hist´ria ANPUH-RJ.
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Issler B (1973) A geografia e os estudos sociais. Doctorate. Faculty of Philosophy, Science and
Arts, S˜o Paulo
Le Sann JG (2005) A caminho da Geografia: uma proposta metodol´gica. Dimens˜o, Belo
Martinelli M (2000) As representa¸˜es gr´ficas da Geografia: os mapas tem´ticos. Dissertation,
Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and Human Science, Universidade de S˜o Paulo
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