Geoscience Reference
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lifelong learning these days. In schools practice has greater value than paper
knowledge. We can obtain this knowledge in many ways with the help of number-
less educational tools. New techniques, active learning strategies are needed such as
cartographical educational tools on the web.
With the new possibilities of the web mapping 2.0, method and content of
teaching expands and a new quality in teaching and training comes into life. The
role of new technologies and web cartography is becoming more and more impor-
tant in our daily lives as well as in education. It brings new possibilities in learning
and practicing in school or at home. It can help to teach one of the most important
knowledge in Geography, to show the spatial and temporal trends of geographical
phenomena and processes.
Bollmann J, Koch W (2002) Lexikon der Kartograpie und Geomatik. Spektrum Akademischer
Verlag, Heidelberg, pp 313-314
Curi´ Z, Vuk R, Jakovˇi´ M (2007) Geography curricula for compulsory education in 11 European
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Eurydice (2002) Structures of education, vocational training and adult education systems in
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Eurydice (2009) Key data on education in Europe 2009.
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Eurydice (2011) Information on education systems and policies in Europe.
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Gartner G (2009) Web mapping 2.0. In: Dodge M, Kitchin R (eds) Rethinking maps, Routledge
studies in human geography. Routledge, London/New York, pp 68-82
Haklay M, Singleton A, Parker C (2008) Web mapping 2.0: the neogeography of the GeoWeb.
Geogr Compass 2:2011-2039. doi: 10.1111/j.1749-8198.2008.00167
Herodot (2007) Aspects of the state of geography in European higher education. http://www. . Accessed 10 Oct 2009
K˝falvi T (2006) e-tan ´ t ´ s, Inform ´ ci ´ s ´ s kommunik ´ ci ´ s technol ´ gi ´ k felhaszn ´ l ´ sa az
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Kozma T (1997) P ´ ld ´ ul Ausztria. ¼ cikk&kod ¼ 1997-10-vt-
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Lannert J, M ´ rtonfi Gy (2003) Az oktat ´ si rendszer ´ s a tanul ´ i tov ´ bbhalad ´ s.
oldal.php?tipus ¼ cikk&kod ¼ Jelentes2003-Tovabbhaladas . Accessed 11 Oct 2008
Mezei GY, Szebenyi P (1998) A kozoktat ´ s rendszere. OKKER Kiad ´ , Budapest
Neumann J (1997) Encyclopedic dictionary of cartography in 25 languages. K G Saur, Munchen
OKI—Oktat´skutat´ ´s Fejleszt˝ Int´zet (2000) Az oktat´s´s az eur´pai integr´ci´ , http://www.
Oktatas . Accessed 19 Apr 2010
OKM—Oktat´si ´s Kultur´lis Miniszt´rium (2003) 243/2003. (XII. 17.) Korm. rendelet a Nemzeti
alaptanterv kiad´s´r´ l, bevezet´s´r˝l´s alkalmaz´s´r´ l.
nat_070926.pdf . Accessed 8 Jan 2009
OKM—Oktat´si ´s Kultur´lis Miniszt´rium (2005) Az ´retts´gir˝ l tan´roknak. http://www.okm. . Accessed 8 Jan 2009
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