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Fig. 23.7 Laura's drawing of the classroom
In the study that we conducted regarding spatial organization with blind pupils at
the Special School we had mixed results. In a representation done by Laura, there
was not a representation of the shapes of the objects due to the need for successive
integration of perceptions by means of touch, making it impossible to exploit them
as a whole to understand their shapes. But we realized that in her drawing there
were not just crayon scribbles in the attempt to represent the objects, as we found in
the representations done by Bruno.
In the drawing produced by this pupil there is a spatial logic represented that
fulfills the verbal logic: “The pupil visited the area weekly to attend Sunday Mass at
the main Church, located on this square. After Mass, the pupil would go down the
steps of the church, walked to the ice cream parlor, just across the street, near the
Church” (Ventorini 2007 ) and had an ice cream accompanied by her parents
(Fig. 23.11 ).
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