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BAKOSURTANAL, so the children had plenty of time to draw. For the local
competitions the children came to the venue and drew on the site for about 3 h.
Initial stage in executing a map drawing competition was to form an organizing
committee at the beginning of the year when it will be run. The organizing committee
of the national competitions comprised about 10-15 staff of BAKOSURTANAL,
where as for the local competitions, especially the ones held outside Jakarta or
Cibinong area, BAKOSURTANAL collaborated with other institutions as the local
hosts. In 2006 we cooperated with Surabaya State University (UNESA), in 2008 with
Yayasan Xaverius Tanjungkarang, and in 2010 with Tanjungpura University—
In general, the organizing committee consisted of three teams:
• Secretariat team who was responsible to do administrative tasks, accept the
drawings (for national competitions) or registrations (for local competitions),
collect data about the drawings, and answer any questions regarding the
competitions that were asked by the public.
• Publication team who was responsible to let general public know about the
ongoing competition through advertisements in mass media (national newspa-
per, radio, etc.) and/or brochures that were distributed to schools and other
public areas.
• Selection team who was responsible to communicate with the juries about
selection criteria, prepare and assist the juries during the judgment.
In addition to the organizing committee, at this initial stage were also formed
boards of juries. For the national competitions, because we expected to have more
participants than the local ones, we prepared two kinds of juries, namely: internal
juries and national juries. The detailed duties of these juries will be explained later
in this paper. The juries were selected considering their knowledge in cartography
and art.
The organizing committee would then create a theme and rules for the competi-
tion and set up some important dates, including: when were the promotions, the last
day to receive drawings/registration, the judgment, the winner announcement, and
the delivery of best drawings to ICA (for national competition). The theme and
rules for national competitions would be the same as those of Barbara Petchenik
competitions held by ICA, including the drawing groups based on the ages of the
authors (group A for ages below 9 years old, group B for ages 9-12, and group C for
ages 13-15). For local competitions, we classified children into three groups based
on their school grades (group A for grade 1-3, group B for grade 4-6, and group C
for grade 7-9).
21.2.2 Drawing Collection
After the organizing committee was formed and the information about the compe-
tition was open to public, the secretariat teammust be ready to accept registration or
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