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Fig. 20.4 Production by JHE and VIN with position of the elements of the story in the foam ball
(GAB) To help them.
(TEACHER) What kind of help?
(GAB) Prevent them from fighting
(TEACHER) What did she say to make them stop fighting?
(JHE) To change.
(TEACHER) Let's change here, in your activity?
The children accepted the suggestion and so we changed the position of the
characters. We observed that JHE changed the position of the characters and other
elements as well, placing the balloon close to Dick and Jameleira close to Tom,
actions that VIN did not adopt despite his suggestions. This demonstrates the
importance in developing individual activities with children from this age group
when the objective is to understand individual notions related to topological
notions. To help in the comprehension we asked:
(TEACHER) What did they notice when they changed places?—There was silence
and I moved on—They noticed that there was no upside or downside, as
Pirilamp ´ ia said: “when I am here, Tom is upside down and if I fly here it is
Dick who is going to be upside down. But in space there is no upside or
downside”—I said using the concrete material.
This finalization—using the specific material to explore the problem—was
positive, as the students were able to interact and explore once more the narrative.
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