Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
In order to highlight the theme “The Earth rotates” we begin with a Globe
rotating from west to east, simulating the alternation day/night. Information about
this movement is presented since the beginning of activity. Passing the cursor on the
birthday board presents the months of the year as well as information about the
seasons. This part of the media is more informative in order to satisfy curiosity. It
presents the interest of the media dynamism and allows a supporting interaction of
the teacher.
On the same wall of the classroom we find a bookshelf with topics and maps.
These elements are enabled to execute the media activities. The game box for
instance can be enabled and the activity hereunder will appear on the screen.
Continuing going around the classroom, the pupil will be stimulated top observe
the terrestrial Globe on the teacher's desk and, by passing the cursor on it, to
activate it. New windows will then open with the presentation of different repre-
sentation concepts of the Earth, by means of terrestrial globes and maps. The
reference lines of Earth are indicated as well as the presentation of meridians,
parallels, latitudes and longitudes.
After the presentation of cartographic concepts and the illustration of the main
reference lines of the terrestrial globe, the pupil will be invited to participate in a
game of identification of geographic coordinates on a map where small ships
appear. The pupil has to indicate their coordinates (Fig. 16.3 ).
All games count points and have a limited time to be realized. This is already
commonly what happens with electronic games. The timing in the different steps
Fig. 16.3 Localization game: where are the ships?
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