Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 16.1 The bus run to go to school
The presentation of these themes proceed from the fixed elements in the class-
room, as for instance the terrestrial globe on the teacher desk, which activate many
windows informing about geographic concepts and suggesting games to pupils with
demonstrative icons.
16.1.3 Human Resources
Building up the team is the most important stage as well as the most difficult,
mainly when it is about preparing activities for children. The project is performed
as a University extension activity, entitled “Production and dissemination of didac-
tic material for the teaching and practice of Geography”. In the team, we have a
scholarship student from the computer science course and three scholarship
students from the secondary school programme “Young Talents for Science”.
The Young Talents project is a scientific pre-initiation programme implemented since
1999. This project is realized in partnership with research institutions and with public
and private universities of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Through this mean, students of the
public secondary and professional schools are inserted in scientific pre-initiation.
(CECIERJ Foundation)
The “young talents” Felipe Correa Mesquita, Kenya de Oliveira Silva Souza and
Maicon Peclat are students of different secondary schools of a Niter´ i neighboring
municipality and participate for the second consecutive year in the researches for
this project. They collaborated with the authors in graphical work and in the design
of the media, as well as in bibliographic research.
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