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Table 15.1 Basic concepts related to cartography in Hungarian school atlases
My first atlas (Cartographia
School atlas for 10-16 year-old
pupils (Cartographia 2008)
Secondary school atlas
(Cartographia 2008)
1. Our world: rotation and
translation of earth, other
astronomical concepts
1. Representation of relief on
a map : panoramic view,
cross-sections, contour
lines, hypsometry and relief
1. Representation of relief on
a map: perspective image,
cross-sections, striping,
contour lines, hypsometry
and relief shading
2. Map symbols: legend
explaining symbols used in
the atlas
2. Comparison of maps at
different scales: fragments
of maps at 1:25,000,
1:50,000, 1:100,000,
1:500,000, 1:1,250,000 and
2. Comparison of maps at
different scales: fragments
of maps at 1:25,000,
1:50,000, 1:100,000, 1:500
000, 1:1,250,000 and
3. From a sketch to a map:
from the school buildings to
a large scaled map of the
school and surroundings
3. Satellite image: image at
1:500,000 (Budapest and
3. Satellite image: image at
1:500,000, Budapest and
4. Basic geographical
concepts: main shapes of
relief and representation on
a map. Landscape and map
4. Map symbols: legend
explaining symbols used in
the atlas
4. Map symbols: legend
explaining symbols used in
the atlas
5. Maps and scales: panoramic
view, tourist map
(1:40,000), topographic
map (1:100,000), maps at
1:550,000, 1:1,500,000 and
5. Cartographic projections:
cylindrical, conic and
azimuthal projections
5. Cartographic projections:
similar to the atlas for
10-16 years-old pupils
6. Orientation on a globe and
Nature: determination of
cardinal points and
geographic coordinate
6. Basic astronomical
concepts: structure of the
universe, planets of the
solar system, the visible
side of the Moon, solar and
lunar eclipse, the Earth and
the Moon orbit, Earth
bound, the Sun's apparent
motion, the Earth from the
6. Basic astronomical
concepts: similar to the
atlas for 10-16 years-old
7. Methods for the
representation of relief on
maps: contour lines,
hypsometry and shading
7. Types of Hungarian
settlements on maps at
1:30,000: one street
settlements, chessboard-
structured settlements,
conglomeration, circular-
structured settlements,
settlements connected by
bridge, planned industrial
7. Types of Hungarian
settlements on maps at
1:30,000: similar to the
atlas for 10-16 years-old
8. Satellite images: false
colour satellite image of
Budapest (explanation)
8. Tourist map at 1:40,000
(Danube Bend, Legend)
8. Maps of landscapes:
estuary, glacier and fjord,
agglomeration, agricultural
and industrial region on
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