Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
5. Coordinates
6. Importance of the outcrop
7. Type of the outcrop
8. Location of the outcrop (with description)
9. Geological description of the observed formations
10. Stratigraphy and relation of the observed and identified objects
11. Measurements
12. Fossils
13. Photos
14. Samples
15. General notes
16. List of other documented outcrops from the same location or nearby
This categorized form is suitable for reviews and overviews of the observation,
and represents a printer friendly form. Printed collections of the outcrops are often
used in the fieldtrips and as appendices of written reports.
The categorization described above may reappear in visually enhanced form of
the observed geological data, but in a visual representation of a query, only those
data fields will be represented which have a value (Fig. 14.5 ).
Archive documentations rather focus on the colour, the texture, and the type of the
outcropping rock (e.g. Compton 1985 ;Barnes 1995 ). Although these characteristics
are still important, field geologists have already worked out methods to classify
Fig. 14.5 Visually enhanced representation of a geological observation as a Google Earth
“bubble”. The categories of the documentation were queried from the database of the observations
and were transcribed into XML files
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