Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 11
Spatial Knowledge Acquisition in the Context
of GPS-Based Pedestrian Navigation
Haosheng Huang, Manuela Schmidt, and Georg Gartner
Abstract GPS-based pedestrian navigation systems have become more and more
popular in recent years. This paper reports a work in progress on investigating the
differences of spatial knowledge acquisition with different interface technologies in
the context of GPS-based pedestrian navigation. The acquisition of spatial knowl-
edge based on mobile maps, augmented reality, and voice is analysed and compared
in a field test in the city centre of Salzburg (Austria). This paper presents the
methodology and interprets the results. The results raise some hints for future
mobile navigation system development, which might need to consider not only
how to effectively assist users' navigation tasks, but also how these systems affect
users' spatial knowledge acquisition.
People in unfamiliar environments often need assistance to reach a specific desti-
nation. Mobile pedestrian navigation systems are designed for this purpose. In order
to facilitate pedestrians' navigation tasks, navigation systems need to effectively
communicate/convey route information (directions) to pedestrians.
Map is an important interface technology when communicating route informa-
tion. It can help users to get an overview of an area. Radoczky ( 2004 ) shows that
maps, even presented on mobile devices with small screen, are the most efficient
tool for describing route directions. Voice-based guidance is also a useful tool
for navigation. In additional to metric-based instructions which are often used in
car navigation systems, semantic-based instructions enriched with landmark
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