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hour would focus on the client development environment and the final 2-h work
laboratory time for student to work on their assignments.
The each assignments students developed new disciplinary skills that would use
in following assignments. Skills in both GI services and Client development
progress until the final project where student had created based on their own
ideas. This finals project is consider and demonstration of knowledge and could
be used for a detail analysis for the learning outcomes at the university, program
and course. The topic of the assignment focused on program outcomes so as
students worked to develop their systems they had to understand and consider
broader program issues.
10.2.4 Creative Possibilities
The idea of creativity for the most part in higher education is identified with the fine
and liberal arts disciplines of the university. Yet in Geography creative expression
with maps has long been understood. This creativity has led to some great maps and
also some bad ones but visual representation as in writing is not just a static concept
but has a sense of expression that cannot be over looked. As each assign was defined
to students few and few detail of the final look of the work was defined and students
were asked to think not only of function but also form or their project. Design was
given value with in the assessment of projects and student with creative solution
were given opportunities to show them to the rest of the class and explain their ideas
behind their creative solutions.
10.3 Conclusions
The process of assessing and re-design a university course now long can be done in
the vacuum of an individual faculty member interest and desire. Universities are
more and more integrating student learning across the programs and courses
students take. The model of learning outcomes will have a greater influence on
course structures and activities. Currently the model of learning outcome suggest
that the best outcomes are achieve by excellent course content education that looks
at considers within it delivery issues of program and university outcomes. In this
case study an Advance GIS course was re-design with special consideration made
to outcomes for both the university and program. The selection of education
technologies led to use of robust put a limited number of technologies. Students
were asked to repeat aspect of GI services several times during length of the course
to re enforces concepts and to consider closely the effect of their decision on the
overall technology implementation and societal importance.
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