Geoscience Reference
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￿ Science and related subjects at all levels (university, high school, elementary,
life-long learning).
￿ Investigate fora for discussions of education programs and curricula in Cartog-
raphy and
￿ GI science.
￿ Develop information networks and online courses on Cartography and GI
￿ Offer educational courses for students on Cartography and GI science for
example in
￿ Developing countries and for regional purposes.
￿ Offer 'master classes' in GI Systems/mapping to guide managers in spatial
decision making.
Investigate methods (and funding sources) to encourage the participation of
students and other young members in ICA activities.
It proposed the following actions:
￿ Analyse existing university curricula in Cartography and GI science.
￿ Help widen the Cartographic/GI science knowledge base and skills into new
segments of Society.
￿ Increase efforts directed to capacity-building, especially in developing
countries, especially with reference to human resource development.
￿ In co-operation with commercial suppliers, develop online courses on Cartogra-
phy and GI science to support and complement existing courses.
￿ Facilitate provision of geographic data for educational use.
￿ Support appropriate United Nations activities by providing geographic
This chapter reports on some of the actions being carried out by the ICA, its
member nations, Commissions and Working Groups and affiliates to advance these
1.3 The International Cartographic Association and Education
From its very beginnings, the International cartographic Association was committed
to provide training and education in cartography. At the 1964 General Assembly the
Association selected three recommendations for Commissions for further develop-
ment: Training, Terminology and Automation (Ormeling 1987 , 1988 ).
The ICA's Strategic Plan proposes a number of actions related to Ideas and
Actions for the Organisation and in the Wider Operational Environments. Some of
these actions that relate to education are:
￿ To help widen the Cartographic/GIScience knowledge base and skills into new
segments of society
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