Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 9.3 Results of the survey
Interestingly, valleys were equally mentioned by both groups. Probably users of
the Latin version could easily identify them from their visual appearance together
with the resemblance of the Latin word Vallis to the English Valley.
Plana were understood as plains, Mons and Paterae were described as high
mountains, Tharsis Montes as mountain range. Craters were the most frequently
mentioned as typical Martian landscape features.
The group who worked with the Latin names could not use the descriptor term
parts of place names as handles so they had to figure out the geographical nature of
the features. They had to use the map's visual tools: shapes and shaded relief
representation of landforms. So they have to invent English (or Hungarian) words
instead of the Latin ones, in which they performed well. In some way, even better
than those who got the Hungarian version, transparent in meaning: descriptor terms
reflect the shape of features (morphology), while looking at the shape of them, their
origin/genesis (or geological nature) may have also become clear for the students.
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