Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
2011-2019 was approved. In Appendix 3 of this new Strategic Plan, entitled “Using
the Strategic Plan to create Operational Plans”, several objectives for ICA related to
professional practice and education were proposed. (These objectives
complemented other objectives related to Science, Society and the Arts) (ICA 2011 ).
1.2.1 Professional Practice
The Strategic Plan for 2003-2011 included that statement of: “Amateur and
professional practice within the Geospatial sciences will change in nature, increas-
ing the necessity for Continuing Professional Development”. In Appendix 3 of the
ICA Strategic Plan for 2011-2019 several objectives for ICA related to professional
practice were proposed, viz:
￿ To encourage wider application of Cartographic principles within information
￿ To promote the transfer of GI technology and standards for professional use.
￿ To strengthen the profile of professional practice commissions in ICA.
￿ To promote the presentation of 'best practice' in the field of Cartography and GI
￿ To provide possibilities for interaction between practitioners during the ICA
This was to be formalized through several actions:
￿ Analyse commission structure and propose new commissions in order to main-
tain a balance between theory and practice.
￿ Organise workshops on specific topics.
￿ Organise high quality technical exhibitions and expert panels during the
conferences to attract practitioners to participate and exchange ideas.
￿ Encourage national associations and universities to translate proceedings of
conferences and symposia into local languages, publish the translations on the
web and link them to the ICA page.
￿ Facilitate the exchange of experts between and within developed and developing
countries and revive the ICA 'Third World' policy.
￿ Support United Nations by providing geographic expertise.
1.2.2 Education
From Appendix 3 of the ICA 2011-2019 Strategic Plan, it was proposed that the
ICA should:
Investigate ways to strengthen and monitor education programmes in Cartogra-
phy, GI.
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