Agriculture Reference
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Adjust feed composition to reduce enteric methane emission in
Pursue viable systems for control of infectious diseases that affect ani-
mals and, in some cases, humans
Foster balanced plant-animal ecosystems
Develop technologies and products that support globalization of sus-
tainable food animal production, food safety, and animal health
Eric Bradford passed away in 2007, leaving a legacy of leadership in international
animal agriculture as a scientist, teacher, and mentor to many students and young
scientists (including chapter coauthor Kevin Pond). During the early planning stage
of this chapter, Eric contributed many ideas and knowledge that helped determine its
ultimate subject matter and structure. We are indebted to him for these efforts and
will cherish his memory and our long friendship.
Wilson and Kevin Pond
Acevedo, N., J.D. Lawrence, and M. Smith. 2006. Organic, Natural, and Grass-Fed Beef:
Profitability and Constraints to Production in the Midwestern U.S. Ames: Leopold
Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Iowa State University.
Anderson, D.B., D.E. Moody, and D.L. Hancock. 2005. Beta adrenergic agonists. In: W.G.
Pond and A.W. Bell, Eds., Encyclopedia of Animal Science . New York: Dekker, pp.
Avery, A. and D. Avery. 2007. The environmental safety and benefits of growth enhancing
pharmaceutical technologies in beef production. Hudson Institute Center for Global
Food Issues. Available at: (accessed April 21, 2008).
Bradford, G.E. 2001. Prospects for the western range livestock industry. Proc. Western Section
A.S.A.S. 52:1-7.
Bradford, G.E., R.L. Baldwin, H. Blackburn, K. Cassman, and K. Crosson. 1999. Animal
Agriculture and the Global Food Supply . Task Force Report 135. Ames, IA: Council for
Agricultural Science and Technology.
Brambell, F.W.R. 1965. Report of Technical Committee to Enquire into the Welfare of Animals
Kept Under Intensive Husbandry Systems . Command Paper 2836. London: H.M.
Stationery Office.
Bruinsma, J. 2003. World Agriculture: Towards 2015/2030: An FAO Perspective . London:
Budiansky, S.R. 1992. The Covenant of the Wild: Why Animals Chose Domestication . New
York: Morrow.
Casey, J.W. and N.M. Holden. 2005. Analysis of greenhouse gas emissions from the average
Irish milk production system. Agric. Sys. 86:97-114.
Cassman, K.G., A Dobermann, D.T. Walters, and H. Yang. 2003. Meeting cereal demand while
protecting natural resources and improving environmental quality. Annu. Rev. Environ.
Res. 28:315-358.
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