Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Acrodermatitis enteropathica
Keshan disease
Neural tube defects
Xerophthalmia, night blindness
Rickets, osteomalacia
1. Iodine deficiency disorders (IDDs) were, until very recently, a major public health prob-
lem responsible for a huge burden of brain damage. However, where it is available, salt
fortification with iodine has almost eliminated the problem in fetal and infant develop-
ment (ICCIDD/UNICEF/WHO 2007).
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Beck, M.A., O.A. Levander, and J. Handy. 2003. Selenium deficiency and viral infection.
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Brent, R.L. and G.P. Oakley Jr. 2007. Further efforts to reduce the incidence of neural tube
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Brin, M. and Z.Z. Ziporin. 1965. Evaluation of thiamin adequacy in adult humans. Journal of
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Brooks, W.A., M. Santosham, A. Naheed, D. Goswami, M.A. Wahed, M. Diener-West, A.S.
Faruque, and R.E. Black. 2005. Effect of weekly zinc supplements on incidence of pneu-
monia and diarrhoea in children younger than 2 years in an urban, low-income population
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Choi, S.W. and J.B. Mason. 2000. Folate and carcinogenesis: An integrated scheme. Journal
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Collins, S., M. Myatt, and B. Golden. 1998. Dietary treatment of severe malnutrition in adults.
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de Onis, M., M. Blossner, E. Borghi, E.A. Frongillo, and R. Morris. 2004. Estimates of
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Doherty, C.P., M.A. Sarkar, M.S. Shakur, S.C. Ling, R.A. Elton, and W.A. Cutting. 1998. Zinc
and rehabilitation from severe malnutrition: Higher-dose regimens are associated with
increased mortality. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 68 (3): 742-748.
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