Information Technology Reference
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Leaderboard . The format of an online banner advert that often appears on
the top horizontal strip of a website. It is usually of 728
90 pixels.
Log . This contains files that provide the a trace of the activities of a web-
site such as page visits, downloads, image and animation views and so on.
Luxemosphere . This is the strategy of reproducing a luxurious atmosphere
in an environment both online and offline. It can be applied online through
the integration of specific web elements that are directly linked to the five
human senses. Luxemosphere is a concept developed by Luxe Corp.
M-commerce . This is simply the practice of commercial and transactional
activities through mobile technologies and mobile phones. Although this is
very popular in Japan, it is also gaining strong grounds in Europe and North
Menu/Menu Bar . This is a horizontal strip that contains lists of available
sections and sub-sections for certain programs or websites. In Windows the
menu bar resides at the top of each open window, while in Mac it is found
at the top of the screen. The purpose of the menu bar is to provide access to
options and items contained on the website or the program.
Microsite . This refers to an to an individual web page or a cluster of pages
designed to function as an extension of a main website. It is used typically
to add a specialized content that could be information or commercial-based.
The main difference between a microsite and its parent website is its spe-
cific purpose and specialized content. It could have its own domain name or
a subdomain linked to the parent website. Microsites are sometimes referred
to as mini-sites.
Mixi . One of Japan's most prolific social networking websites with over 10
million users accounting for more than 80% of the Japanese social network-
ing market in Japan.
Mlog . This is basically an online music log or the sound-based version of
a blog.
ML . This is a programming language used in website creation. Also see
MMOG (Massive Multiplayer Online Game). This refers to online based
3-D multiplayer games often based on role playing in real time. If you happen
to have a 15 year old nearby, they may probably give you a better definition.
MMS (Multi-media Messaging Service). This is enhanced form of SMS
text messaging service that enables images, audio and video files to be trans-
ferred instantly through mobile phones.
MP3 . This is a system used for storing and digitally transferring music on
digital audio players over the internet.
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