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e-store, when prices are reduced, this should be done in an intelligent and
transparent manner that doesn't literally kill the dream that the brand offers.
Step four: e-boutique development
Creating an appealing e-boutique is now a given. Luxury clients no longer
expect a basic and “square” online store with, literally, a line-up of beautiful prod-
ucts. Their expectations currently run higher and they are seeking e-boutiques
that offer a world of discovery and immersion into a brand's universe. The
e-boutique has to engage them in an elevated way and they have to be stimu-
lated by the virtual surroundings. Attaining this effect requires the integration
of specific web elements and e-tools in the front-office interface and the back-
office support. They are to be completely included within the entity of the web-
site and not only within the e-boutique, in order to complete a total experience.
If you take a quick tour of the existing luxury websites with e-boutiques, you
are likely to notice a high factor of sameness either in structure or presentation
format. This level of similarity can no longer be accepted by clients who expect
luxury brands to be distinct in their e-shopping environments.
The tactics for e-boutique development have been further analyzed in the
following sections:
Step five: e-tools incorporation
The pleasure derived from visiting an e-boutique is often as a result of the
successful application of the web tools that enhance the user experience.
These range from product visualization elements such as zoom, 3-D, spin
and flip; to e-merchandizing tools like personal avatars and virtual models;
e-customization tools like product engravings and co-creation software; as
well as client management tools like companion shopping applications and
virtual shopping assistants. These elements ensure that the web experience is
rich and that clients receive the level of engagement they currently seek.
Step six: service optimization
The Internet provides one of the best opportunities to serve luxury clients in a
personal and intimate way. With the access and affordability of data capturing
applications that enable the identification of clients and the presentation of
their shopping histories, habits and preferences, luxury brands no longer have
an excuse for ignoring personalized relations with online clients. Technology
has also made it possible for clients to be assisted in the online shopping
exercise by providing styling tips, advice on collections and care guides.
When luxury brand customers shop online, they expect a level of service that
goes beyond one page of FAQs or an automated babbling avatar called Miss Q.
They seek to be able to chat instantly with virtual shopping assistants who
understand their needs and are able to provide style solutions. They also
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