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Using the decomposition theorem, the constructed relation of similarity is
decomposed by equivalence relations, and a set of criteria is divided into clusters
of criteria similar to each other with different confidence levels. The obtained
results are given below.
Clusters of similar criteria of examiners with different levels
Confidence level Cluster
Thus, if the board consists of five persons, then with rather high confidence
level to the researches completed, all examiners can be appointed to the board. If
the board consists of four persons it is offered to appoint examiners No. 1. 3. 4. 5.
If the board consists of three or two persons, it is offered to appoint examiners No.
1, 3, and 4 or No. 3, 4, accordingly.
Example 3.2. [147] Analysis of expert evaluation results of educational
process quality. As the input information, results of inquiry of experts within the
limits of the following ten issues related to the correspondence of training quality
to modern requirements are considered:
1. Courseware issued in a high school;
2. Teaching staff of a high school;
3. Teaching of students and availability of PC's in classrooms of a high
4. Curricula of special academic subjects;
5. Research activity of faculties and new tramlines of scientific thought in a
high school;
6. Research activity of students covered by science and education
integration approach;
7. Educational process in the field of future professional occupation of
8. Existing scale of an evaluation of students' knowledge, which influences
quality of educational process;
Existing measures of students' knowledge evaluation control;
Forms of teaching.
Evaluations of experts are selected from three propositions: "mismatching",
“partially corresponding”, "corresponding" (Table 3.4).
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