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to discriminate “reasonable” (e.g., terminating) services.
and τ lay the ground
for a canonical, rich theory of services, covering a wealth of important notions,
questions and properties, as they are particularly important in the framework
of SOA.
The Strategies of a Service
One of the central ideas of SOA is the assumption of a provider agent, offering
a service P to the public. P is intended to be engaged by requester agents. To
engage P means to follow a strategy to interact with P in order to reach the
requester's goal. In technical terms, a strategy of P is an other service, R ,such
that the composition P
R of P and R is “reasonable”, i.e. P
τ . So, from
the requester perspective, the most important aspect of P is the set
Strat ( P )= def {
of all strategies of P . This set may be conceived as the semantics of P .
Simulation and Equivalence
The strategies of a service P yield a canonical generalization relation
on services: A service P generalizes P if P preserves all strategies of P :
≤ P iff Strat ( P ) ⊆ Strat ( P ) .
A typical scenario including this relation is the provider of P wanting to exchange
P by a service P without bothering the so-far users of P .
Consequently, two services P and P
are equivalent iff they generalize each
P iff Strat ( P )= Strat ( P ) .
This equivalence is in fact the canonical counterpart of functional equivalence
in the classical setting: Two systems are equivalent iff their environment cannot
distinguish them.
Brokering of Services
The handling of services includes ways to find an adequate provider services P
for given requester services, R . This basic problem gives rise to a lot of derived
questions, including ecient decision procedures and construction algorithms.
Many of them can be posed in the general framework as developed so far. More
precisely, a given provider service P rises the quest of
- Controllability :Does P have a strategy at all, i.e. Strat ( P )
- Compatibility : For a given service R ,is R a strategy for P , i.e. R
Strat ( P )?
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