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S 1 must be finite since for each element in it, the norm of the maximum normed
prefix is bounded, and the tail is also from a finite set. Now construct
R =
( α, β )
α, β
S 1
then R is finite. The rest of the proof is to show that R is an expansive-
bisimulation, then since α 0 0
S 1 and α 0
β 0 ,thus( α 0 0 )
R so we
can conclude the completeness proof.
To show that R is an expansive-bisimulation, take any ( α, β )
R , and suppose
= β , we will show that α
= 1
= 1 and there exist α 2 2 such that
( α 1 2 γ )
R and ( β 2 γ,β 1 )
R and moreover
α then 2
β for some β such that ( α )
1. if 2
R ;
β then 2
α for some α such that ( α )
2. if 2
R .
Since α ∼ β and α = β , then it must be the case that neither of α, β is ,so
= 1
= 1 for some E, F, α 1 1 , and obviously 1 ,Fβ 1 are standard.
If 1
1 is not decomposable, then according to the property of R 0 there
exists ( 2 ,Fβ 2 )
β 2 , and now take γ = we
can show that α 2 2 are just what we want. For that we need to show that
( α 1 2 γ )
R 0 such that α 1
α 2 , β 1
R ,( β 2 γ,β 1 )
R , and moreover requirements 1. and 2. above are
satisfied. To see ( α 1 2 γ )
R , just note that 1 ,Eα 2
S 1 which implies
α 1 2
S 1 ,andmoreover α 1
α 2 ,so( α 1 2 γ )=( α 1 2 )
R . For the same
reason ( β 2 γ,β 1 )
R . To see requirement 1. is satisfied, note that 2
2 ,
there must exist β
and α
β .
so for 2
such that 2
According to the construction in this case α
S 1 ,so( α )
R .Inthesame
way we can show that 2. is also satisfied. Now if 1
1 is decomposable,
then both E and F are normed and there exists δ such that A: E
δα 1
β 1 ,orB:
F and α 1
δβ 1 .IfitiscaseA,thensince E
is not
decomposable, there is ( Eξ, Fη )
R 0 such that
ξ, δ
η .Nowwecantake
α 2 = , β 2 = η, γ = α 1 , and we will show that ( α 1 2 γ )
R ,( β 2 γ,β 1 )
R ,and
moreover requirements 1. and 2. above are satisfied. To see ( α 1 2 γ )
R ,note
that α 1
S 1 and α 2 γ = α 1 ,thus α 2 γ
S 1 and α 1
α 2 γ thus ( α 1 2 γ )
R .
To see ( β 2 γ,β 1 )
R ,notethat β 2 γ = ηα 1
δα 1
β 1 , 1
S 1 thus β 1
S 1 ,
S 1 , E
and E is normed, so
( E )=
( )and Fηα 1
S 1
thus ηα 1
S 1 ,wehave β 2 γ = ηα 1
S 1 ,so( β 2 γ,β 1 )
R . To see 1. is satisfied,
note that ( 2 ,Fβ 2 )
2 , and the reasoning is as in the
previous case for non-decomposable 1
R 0 ,so 2
1 . The case B can be checked in
the same way.
In proving decidability of bisimilarity of context-free processes [CHS92], Chris-
tensen, Huttel, and Stirling proved that two context-free processes are bisimula-
tion equivalent if and only if they can be generated by a finite (full)
self-bisimulation. Based on their work, the last theorem gives a finite char-
acterization of bisimulation equivalence for context-free processes in terms of
expansive-bisimulation. In [BCS95], Burkart, Caucal and Steffen presented an
elementary time algorithm that can compute a (full) self-bisimulation which can
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