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Let E be an expression and F 1 ,F 2 be two subexpressions occuring in E .
We say that the occurrence of F 1 is before the occurrence of F 2 if there is a
subexpression of the form E 1 ; E 2 in E such that the occurrence of F 1 is in E 1
and the occurrence of F 2 is in E 2 . We say that the occurrence of F 1 is unguarded
if there is no subexpression which occurs before F 1 , otherwise the occurrence
of F 1 is called guarded. If F occurs unguarded in E , the nesting depth of the
occurrence is the number of subexpressions of the form E 1 ; E 2 where E 1 contains
the occurrence.
Lemma 5. If E
α , then there is an unguarded occurrence of a in E such
that the length of α equals to the nesting depth of the occurrence.
Proof: Induction on the rules in Table 2.
Theorem 2. Every α
is finite branching.
Proof: We need to show that the set B ( α )=
is finite.
If α = then it holds trivially. If α = , then by the rules of Table 2 B ( α )
has the same number of elements as B ( E )=
Act, α
Act, E
Theorem 1 if E
γ then the processes which can occur in γ is from a finite
set. Moreover by the previous lemma the length of γ is bounded, thus B ( E )
must be finite.
This section contains the main result of the paper, where we study expansive-
bisimulation which gives a finite characterization of bisimilar BPA processes.
Definition 4. A state α
is said to be normed if there exists a finite sequence
of transitions from α to . The norm of a process α is the length of the shortest
transition sequence from α to .Wedenoteby
( α ) the norm of α .
It is easy to see that for normed processes α, β we have the following facts:
( α )=0iff α = .
2. Norm is additive:
( αβ )=
( α )+
( β ).
preserves norms: If α ∼ β then N ( α )= N ( β ).
Clearly α is normed if and only if each process occurring in it is normed. We
define a function
such that for α
,if α is normed then α
= α ,if
α is un-normed then α
is the least prefix of α which ends with an un-normed
process. And we will call the part of α after α
its tail. Thus the tail of any
normed state is always .Wesaythat α is standard if α = α
a state is standard just in case its tail is .
A straightforward consequence of the definition of having a norm is that if α
is un-normed then αβ
α holds for any β
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