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Definition 1. A binary relation R
is a bisimulation if for all ( α, β )
the following hold:
1. α = if and only if β = ;
2. whenever α
α ,then β
β for some β with ( α )
R ;
β ,then α
α for some α with ( α )
3. whenever β
R .
Two states α and β are said to be bisimulation equivalent, written α
β ,if
there is a bisimulation R such that ( α, β )
R .
It is well know that
is an equivalence relation between processes. Moreover it
is a congruence with respect to concatenation of sequences of processes.
Note that in general clause 1. of Definition 1 is necessary. Since here we use
the general summation notation Σ to write expressions, and when the index set
is empty, Σ i∈∅ E i is the inactive process which should not be equated with .
Otherwise the congruence property of
would fail. With clause 1. in Definition
1 this cannot happen.
An important notion in the study of bisimulation of context-free processes is
that of self-bisimulation proposed by Caucal [Cau90].
,wedenoteby R the least
precongruence wrt sequential composition containing R ,denoteby R the
symmetric closure of R ,denoteby R the reflexive and transitive closure
of R .
Definition 2. For any binary relation R on
Definition 3. A binary relation B
is a self-bisimulation if for all
( α, β )
B , α = just in case β = and moreover the following hold:
B ;
α ,then β
β for some β with ( α )
1. whenever α
B .
β ,then α
α for some α with ( α )
2. whenever β
Note that for a finite relation, checking if it is a self-bisimulation is in general only
semi-decidable since one needs to check membership of its congruence closure.
Proposition 1. [Cau90] If B is a self-bisimulation then B ⊆∼
B ↔∗ .Thusif( α, β ) is contained in a self-bisimulation than
Obviously B
β .
For the process system
, an important finiteness property which
forms the base of our discussion in the paper is that, although the number
of reachable states from an arbitrary state α
can be infinite, the processes
(closed expressions) that can occur in those reachable states must be from a finite
set. Another important finiteness property of
is finite branching,
which says that for any α
B ( α )=
Act, α
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