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such that its least fixed point μΦ is the essence of dynamic semantics of M
with its components Σ M ,E M and r M , i.e. μΦ (( E M
r M M ,
)) is the
Q ]] ζ U is a notational variant of
state-update function [[ E M
r M ]] ( [[ E
yields ( E
,ζ,U )[BoS03]).
3.3 Verification
Denotational semantics, especially its fixed point theorem μΦ = ν≥ 0 Φ ν (
with its approximating semantics Φ ν (
), is showing a way towards logic and
verification of ASMs in an area where ASM-literature is sparse, but where look-
ing at Algol-like programming might be helpful. ASM-logic is similar to dy-
namic logic [Har79] or algorithmic logic [Sal70, MiSa87]. Completeness results
in [BoS03] are presented only for hierarchical ASMs, i.e. ASMs without recur-
sions where call graphs have no cycles. The machines' analoga in Algol are so
called macro-programs the formal execution trees of which are finite.
In order to prove Algol-like programs with recursive procedures partially cor-
rect C.A.R.Hoare presented his proof rule for recursive procedures [Hoa71]. The
rule has, beside a conclusion and a premis, also a so called assumptions set.
It took quite a while until soundness and completeness results on Hoare's ex-
tended calculus came up. E.M.Clarke [Cla79] gave an intricate soundness proof
of Hoare's calculus, Clarke had not yet available an appropriate definition of
soundness of Hoare's proof rules with the decisive property: If all proof rules in
the calculus are sound then the whole calculus is sound.
1979 K.Apt and E.-R.Olderog [Apt79, Old79] independently came up with
the same idea how to define soundness of proof rules by help of approximating
semantics Φ ν (
), specifically in the shape of a syntactical representation. It is
r M ]] ν = Φ ν (
[[ E M
)(( E M
r M M ,
( local E M r M ))]].
sta ν ( local E M r M ) is forming the formal execution tree (or a congruent version)
of local E M r M up to level ν . This means: Apply the copying process C
stat in
a simultaneous parallel manner ν -times to all rule calls outside any rule body
in a static scope manner, i.e. by avoiding name clashes by appropriate bound
renamings. In a next step
reduces the resulting tree by erazing all named
rules and replacing all remaining rule calls by abort . E
abort yields
bottom (undefined) update set which originates in
mentioned in the fixed point
interpretes every rule call E
r ( t 1 ,...,t n ) by the totally undefined
state-update function.
Apt's and Olderog's inductive soundness proof of Hoare's proof rule for recur-
sive calls is a highlight in any course on program verification. We have mentioned
already in subsection 2.1 that there is no sound and relatively complete proof
calculus for the full static scope Algol60-language. This is holding for full Turbo
ASM as well. We have seen that such calculi are available only for certain sublan-
guages. It would be very illuminating to investigate how completeness results of
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