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is exactly the administrative quantity “stack pointer” in [Dij60] which always
points to the first free place in the memory reserved for the stack. 2
The notion static pointer is due to Algol60's new language feature, namely the
block (nesting) concept. Dijkstra formulated a statement in [Dij60] to determine
the static pointer SV :
SV points to the most recent , not yet completed, activation of the first block
that lexicographically encloses the block of the subroutine called in.”
In [KaL74, Kan74] this statement is called the “most recent”-property of an
Algol-program. But: Is this property really a logical consequence constituted by
Algol60's static scope copy rule semantics for all programs?
McGowan [McG72] contradicts this consequence and speaks of Dijkstra's
“most recent”-error . In [GHL67] there is a first example π 1 of an Algol60-
program which does not meet the “most recent” -property. Nevertheless, Dijk-
stra's claim has been around for a long time. E.g. in the topic on compiler
construction [WiM92] we find the following statement together with a so called
proof of assurance (Sicherstellungsbeweis) which is obviously incorrect:
“(Invariant ISV) In every stack frame provided for the incarnation of a proce-
dure p the static pointer SV is pointing to the stack frame of the most recent , still
living incarnation of that program unit which is directly enclosing p ” (translated
from German).
The program example π 1 in [GHL67], page 108/109, which does not satisfy
the “most recent”-property has the following substructure:
proc P(F, G) {
proc Q(R, S) {
... } end Q
F(Q, F)
... } end P
P(P, P)
The “most recent” -error shows up already in that linear subtree inside the for-
mal execution tree which is generated by this substructure. In the following
we show a simplified example π 2 [Goe05] (compare the simplified examples
in [KaL74, Kan74])
proc q(r,s) { print(g) }
f(q,false) }
proc p(f,g)
2 Already in [Sam57] K. Samelson discribes how to execute closed parameterized sub-
routines by help of the fixed variable “Anfang (=Beginn) freier Speicher” where
repeatedly called subroutines are to be provided with parameters, return informa-
tions and auxiliary storage places before earlier calls have been completely executed.
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