Information Technology Reference
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Generic Route Model. An abstract type of identifiers for routes is declared:
type Route
We state the signature for a function that for a given route returns a list of those
sensors which have to be passed in the stated order when travelling along the
value sensors of : Route Sensor
A number of axioms express requirements to this function, i.e. impose restrictions
on what is an allowed route. For instance, there must be a signal at the first
sensor of any route:
s : Signal sensor of(s) = hd sensors of(r)
4.2 Domain-Specific Language
RSL Specification. The domain model is now extended with value declarations
for each element to be part of a domain description. For each kind of physical
component there is an element (all together providing a network description):
sensors : Id -set ,
points : Id
m ... ,
signals : Id
m Sensor,
segments : Id
m ...
and for each kind of interlocking table there is an element 2 :
rdt : Id
m Sensor ,
rct : Route
Route -set
Route -set ,
ppt : Route
m PointPosition,
sst : Route
We chose identifiers to be texts:
type Id = Text
The declarations give each element a name and a model-oriented type and hence
provide an abstract syntax for the elements. As an example, the abstract syntax
for the signals element is Id
m Sensor , and the intension is that a signals
element should map any signal identifier to the identifier of that sensor at which
it is placed.
Now, the Signal type can be explicitly defined as containing the identifiers of
the domain of the signals element:
type Signal =
id : Id id
dom signals
The Sensor , Point , Segment and Route types can be defined in a similar way.
rdt for route definition table, rct for route conflict table, ppt for point position table,
and sst for signal setting table.
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