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key. Equality between elements of this given set is interpreted as Java structural
( o 1
o 2
o 1= o 2)
Similarly, the given set VID is an abstract representation of object identifiers
that are mapped values, where we use the same interpretation of equality as OID .
These interpretations are important since the model field representing the array
of Entry in HashMap ( theMap ) is an instance of JMLEqualsSet (see Sects 2.1
and 2.3 above).
The schema HashCode represents the abstraction of the hashCode() algo-
rithm as an injection from the object instance ( OID ) to the corresponding hash
code value. It abstractly defines the behaviour of the hashCode() method in Z.
HashAlgo ; this ?: OID ; result !:
result != algo this ?
From a given object instance this ?, the hash code result ! is output as the hash
value of the algorithm for that instance ( i.e., result != this ? . hashCode() ). With
the abstract specification of algo as an injection, we can further refine it to
particular concrete implementations as needed, by coming back from generated
hash codes to the object instances that generated them.
Next, we model the underlying Entry for key-value pairs considering the clash-
ing mechanisms described above as
Entry ==
s :iseq( OID
o : OID ; v 1 , v 2: VID
v 1
ran s
v 2
ran s
v 1= v 2
Whenever two different object ids o 1and o 2 have the same normalised hash
code, a clash will happen and an entry may grow like in the example above.
In such cases, this “spiked” Entry specification enforces that: (i) no key-value
pairs are repeated in the list (iseq); and (ii) no clashes on different values can
happen for the same key object instance, the clashed pairs of Entry are func-
tional on the keys. The first property is defined in JML as an axiom, and we
have proved it as a trivial theorem based on our definition. In both cases, this
theorem/axiom is used to avoid a key being associated with different values.
The second property not only follows the HashMap contract, but it also enforces
that Entry keys properly implement hashCode by keeping hash keys immutable.
It also serves as a soundness invariant for the hashCode() of entries, whenever
they are values in other maps themselves. Also, the sequences s of Entry that
are entries represent ordering for clashes, where the injectivity (uniqueness) is
an optimisation for storage. This (uniqueness) restriction is indirectly enforced
in JML by the equational theory used in theMap model field. This model also
captures the eciency concerns for Java HashMap lifted from its JML specifi-
cation. As Entry is the most fundamental data structure to build a hash map,
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