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4.2 State Changes
The initial state has no variables:
init: State = [ ]
A state is subsequently build and modified through a series of basic operations
to declare, undeclare and modify variables, as well as operations obtained from
them by sequencing, concurrency, choice, etc. The type StateX represents such
state-changing expressions and the function exec checks if a pair of states -
initial and final state - are a possible effect of executing a given expression.
StateX ==
decl(StructX) | undecl(Id) | change(Id, StructX) |
seq(StateX, StateX) | con(StateX, StateX) | test(BoolX, StateX, StateX)
exec: StateX × State × State Bool
exec(sx, s, s )
case sx of
decl(tx) decl(eval(tx, s), s, s ),
undecl(id) undecl(id, s, s ),
change(id,tx) change(id, eval(tx, s), s, s ),
seq(sx1, sx2) ( s : State exec(sx1, s, s ) exec(sx2, s ,s )),
con(sx1, sx2) exec(sx1, s, s ) exec(sx2, s, s ),
test(px, sx1, sx2) if eval(px, s) then exec(sx1, s, s ) else exec(sx2, s, s ) end
end pre iswf(sx, s)
For instance, here is a function decl to declare a variable. Its pre-condition
canDecl checks if a given structure is a variable and its identifier is new.
decl: Struct × State × State Bool
decl(v,s,s ) s =s [ val2id(val(v(idCat)(1))) v] pre eval(canDecl(v), s),
canDecl: Struct BoolX
canDecl(v) and(hasType(v, vType), not(hasVar(v)))
StateX depends on external expressions like StructX or BoolX .Hereisthe
definition of StructX with operations to get, make and modify structures by
adding or deleting their parts (all parts with a given category and value).
StructX ==
get(Id) |
eval: StructX × State Struct
eval(sx, s)
case sx of
get(id) s(id),
make(st) make(st),
add(px, sx) add(eval(px, s), eval(sx, s), s),
del(c, vx, sx) del(c, eval(vx, s), eval(sx, s), s)
end pre iswf(sx, s)
add(PartX, StructX) |
del(Cat, ValueX, StructX)
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