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remove a figure, and break down figures. To maintain a consistent ordering in
the information flow, we require that specialization of one object cannot im-
ply generalization of succeeding objects if the characteristics connection is to
be maintained. Note, that we do not require similar for objects preceding the
changed object.
Formally, we express the above by defining classifications of the objects of the
concepts, and an axiom expressing the above implication. Furthermore, meet and
join operations are formalized. Meet takes two objects and gives the combined
object which is a specialization of both argument objects. Join takes two objects
and gives the combined object which is a generalization of both arguments.
Further order-theoretic considerations and arguments are outside the scope of
this paper.
In Sect. 10, we shall argue that characteristics connection and the information
flow connection are intimately related.
3.3 Steps
The method of relating domain concepts intensionally is a sequence of steps
towards concept models and establishing the characteristics connection and the
information flow connection . The method is based on modelling the so-called
intrinsics of domain concepts:
Definition 7 (Domain Intrinsics). By the intrinsics 4 of a domain or a do-
main concept, we understand the very basics of the domain or domain concept.
That is, the characteristics, structure and understanding that cannot be removed
or abstracted from without undermining the understanding of the domain or do-
main concept in question.
The steps of the method are as follows:
Formally model the two concepts. We establish formal models of the con-
cepts, focusing on the intrinsics (i.e. the very basics) of the concepts. See
Sect. 4 and 6.
Define object classification. For each concept define a classification of object
by formally defining a partial order of objects. The partial orders are utilized
when defining the information flow connection . See Sect. 4 and 6.
Define object meet. For each concept define a function meet which expresses
what it means to combine two objects of the concept in question. The func-
tion is utilized in the definitions of the characteristics connection and the
information flow connection . See Sect. 4 and 6.
Formally model possible mediating ties. Some concept pairs can be re-
lated without considering additional concepts. However, this is not always
the case and we may then need to formalize additional domain concepts. We
call such additional domain concepts the mediating ties . See Sect. 7.
4 The notion of intrinsics and its role in formal domain engineering is also defined and
treated in [6].
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