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use temporal variable dLine i as in [2] whose behavior is similar to temporal
variable int , and specified by:
=0) ( dLine i
= T i ) )
dLine i
(( dLine i
= T i ) ( dLine i
(( dLine i
dLine i ( = T i )
dLine i
<T i (( dLine i
= T i )
2 T i
( true ( dLine i
= T i )
= T i ) )
( dLine i
= T i ) ( dLine i
= T i ) true ))
( dLine i
<T i
Let Run i be a state variable saying that process i is running on the processor, i.e.
Run i ( t ) = 1 if process i is running on the processor, and Run i ( t )=0otherwise.
Let Stand i be a state variable saying that the current request of process i has
not been fulfilled. The behaviour of process i is fully specified by:
((( Run i <C i
) true )
dLine i
= T i
Stand i
( Run i = C i > 0
Run i = C i
Stand i
The requirement of system T is simply specified by: for all i
n ,
= T i Run i = C i
dLine i
Formulas 6, 7 and 8 form a complete specification of temporal propositional
variables dLine i , i
n , and are useful in proving the correctness of a scheduler
for system T . A priority-based scheduler
for system T with single processor
is characterised by state variables HiPri ij ( i, j
n, i
= j ) which specify the
dynamic priority among the processes defined by
, and the following state
formulas characterising its behaviour:
i = j (( Run i
Stand j )= >HiPri ij )
i≤n ( Run i = >Stand i )
i = j ( HiPri ij ⇒¬
HiPri ji )
i = j ¬ ( Run i ∧ Run j )
i≤n Stand i ⇒∨ i≤n Run i
A deadline driven scheduler is a priority-based scheduler that considers process
i to have a higher prioity than process j (i.e. the value of HiPri ij at the current
time point is 1) iff the deadline for process i is nearer than the deadline for process
j . The deadline driven scheduler can be modelled in a much more convenient
way than in [2] with the additional formula specifying the behaviour of state
variables HiPri ij ( i, j
n ):
= T i
dLine j ) dLine i true
i = j
HiPri ij
The interesting thing here is that variables HiPri ij canbedefinedinDC,with-
out any quantification on rigid variables, via temporal propositional variables
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