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Transition Calculus [56], an extension of the Duration Calculus (DC) [57]. In DC,
real-time interval properties of system observables obs , which are interpreted as
functions obs I : Time
Data , can be expressed and proven. For example,
acc =0
expresses that in every interval (
) if the mode observable M has the value NEG
(for negotiating ) throughout this interval (
) then the observable acc
(for acceleration ) is zero throughout this interval (
The State Transition Calculus can additionally express properties of instan-
taneous transitions. For example,
acc =0
Time if then the
truth value of the assertion M = NEG switches from false to true. In DC, this
can be expressed as
M = NEG is true at t
terval surrounding t . The chop operator ; is applied at time t and expresses the
concatenation of two intervals where
( M = NEG )
( M = NEG )
holds in the first one and
in the second one.
It can be defined that a hybrid automaton H is a model of a formula F ,
abbreviated as H
= F .
Correcting Modes. For each controller C i we stipulate a set COR ( C i ) of
correcting maneuvers . Then we assume a relation
COR ( C 2 )
of matching modes characterizing which pairs of maneuver are claimed to re-
solve hazardous states. For each pair ( m 1 , m 2 )
COR ( C 1 )
MATCH there is an activation
condition characterized by a state assertion Φ ( m 1 , m 2 ). Activation conditions of
maneuvers must observe the following constraints:
- timely activation : the activation of the maneuvers occurs early enough to
guide the trac agents to a safe state using the associated control laws.
- completeness : for each possible approach to a hazardous state there is at
least one matching pair of correcting modes whose activation condition is
enabled in time.
For ground-based trac agents like trains there is a special class of corrective
modes, enforcing a complete stop of the trac agent, thus reaching a fail-safe
state . We refer to such corrective modes as recovery modes and assume that there
is a single matching pair ( r 1 , r 2 ) of recovery modes.
Let Φ start be the disjunction of all activation conditions of these modes:
Φ start
( m 1 , m 2 ) MATCH Φ ( m 1 , m 2 ) .
Intuitively, if any of these conditions becomes true, a hazardous state has been
reached, which can compensated by the associated matching pair of correcting
modes. By completeness of the set of activation conditions, Φ start
Φ ( r 1 , r 2 )
thus charac-
terizes all hazardous states.
The flexibility of having multiple matching correcting modes entails the need
for a negotiation phase , in which agents agree on which pair of maneuvers is to
be activated. The design of this phase has to address the following critical issues:
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