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graphical user interface (GUI) of the application. The GUI interacts with the
application by invoking operations provided by a classes.
In parallel with the shared pool, the common pool is a repository of code
artifacts, where stable implementations of components are released. Such stable
releases can be used by developers of dependent components.
While a single programmer (a Construction Programmer, as the role will be
named later) works on the assigned tasks for a component (such as classes to be
coded), the development takes place in a separate development area called user
workspace . Only after the tasks are completed (including unit testing), the code
is committed into the application workspace.
Developing Software with Support of MasterCraft and rCOS
In MasterCraft, the members of the development team are assigned different roles
in the development process: Administrator , Analysis Modeler , Design Modeler ,
Construction Manager , Construction Programmer , Model Manager ,and Version
Manager . Each role gives different rights to access the project artifacts. We
describe the support of rCOS with respect to the different roles and their tasks
and activities in the project.
Support to Administrator. At the very beginning of the development, the
Administrator is responsible for creating user accounts and components, and
assigning roles to project participants for acting on the components they are in-
volved in. As the development of the application progresses, if a version control
system is in use, the Version Manager may store snapshots of the whole appli-
cation workspace (the models and code it contains) in the version control system
repository, and if needed, restore them as a separate application workspace for
parallel development.
The administrator starts by creating the components identified as groups of
related use cases, such as SalesHandler for use case UC1 , Inventory
for use cases UC2 - UC5 , and component Enterprise for the use cases re-
lated to the whole enterprise management. Next, the administrator creates user
accounts, let's say Alice and Brian , and assigns them roles. In this case, Alice may
become both Analysis Modeler and Design Modeler for SalesHandler and
Inventory , and Brian may be granted these roles for the Enterprise
component. Furthermore, we have Martin who is assigned the global role of
Model Manager.
Support to Analysis Modeler. An Analysis Modeler starts work on a com-
ponent by studying its textual requirements. Based on the textual requirements,
the Analysis Modeler creates a model of the requirements This model consists of
conceptual class diagrams, use case diagrams, and behavioral models, i.e. the use
case sequence diagrams and state diagrams, of the use cases, the specification
of the contracts of the use case handlers. For example, Alice has to create the
models in Figs. 6-9 and the rCOS specification of the contract. The Analysis
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