Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The key steps of the process are as follows:
Connect to the serial port on each node, starting with node 0 (the bottom unit).
Log in using the root account; use the ILOM default password “changeme”.
Apply the ILOM IP address
The ILOM IPs are applied to each server using the following command syntax:
set /SP/network pendingipdiscovery=static
set /SP/network pendingipaddress=<IP Address>
set /SP/network pendingipgateway=<gateway-IPaddr>
set /SP/network pendingipnetmask=<netmask>
set /SP/network commitpending=true
Here is what the commands look like using non-real IP addresses:
set /SP/network pendingipdiscovery=static
set /SP/network pendingipaddress=
set /SP/network pendingipgateway=
set /SP/network pendingipnetmask=
set /SP/network commitpending=true
The commands can also be chained together, as follows:
set /SP/network pendingipdiscovery=static pendingipaddress= pendingipgateway=
pendingipnetmask= commitpending=true
You can validate the IP address by running the following command to display the ILOM IP addresses that have
been configured:
-> show /SP/network
Most data centers will have a rolling KVM cart that can be used to start the deployment process. Some data
centers will also have a KVM appliance with a web interface that can launch a console session for an ODA. The KVM
appliances have multiple ports with serial cables that can be run to a data center rack and then connected to ODAs as
needed. Using a KVM appliance avoids the need to go onsite to the data center to deploy the ODA.
Once the ILOM IP addresses have been applied, the public network IP addresses can be applied to the ODA.
Oracle recommends that the cabling connections be validated first:
# /opt/oracle/oak/bin/oakcli validate -c storagetopology
If any issues are reported, you'll need to check the cabling on the system and then rerun the checks.
Once the ILOM IP addresses are in place and the cabling connections have been validated, you can connect
from the ILOM to each server node to run the “ firstnet ” script to configure the public network for each host.
The following public network configuration script is run on each node using the root account with the default root
password “welcome1”, starting with node 0 (the bottom unit):
# /opt/oracle/oak/bin/oakcli configure firstnet
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