Database Reference
In-Depth Information
TFA is still a new tool and a work in progress. It bridges the gap between problem and collection, and it allows for
the automatic collection of important events on multiple layers (database, grid/Clusterware) to provide all the right
information to Oracle Support, which is what makes TFA different from the active diagnostics repository (ADR).
Miscellaneous Tools
So far, we've looked at a lot of the built-in tools in the ODA portfolio. There will be more tools, like Oracle Enterprise
manager, which will be discussed in subsequent chapters, but it is important to mention other tools that are important
in proactively diagnosing various issues with the ODA. Oracle Linux comes with anacron installed which is a variant
of cron and allows more flexibility in running jobs, and there are various jobs built into anacron that run on a daily,
weekly, or monthly basis. These jobs include the following functions:
Log rotation of various files
A log watch script that checks various logs, and generates a report and mails it to the root
unix account.
The log rotation of files is handled via the logrotate daemon and uses logrotate.conf to determine various
configuration parameters that are used for managing log files. Listing 7-26 shows a default logrotate.conf file.
Weekly RAID checks
Listing 7-26. Logrotate.conf
root@farshad-linux]# cat /etc/logrotate.conf
# see "man logrotate" for details
# rotate log files weekly
# keep 4 weeks worth of backlogs
rotate 4
# create new (empty) log files after rotating old ones
# use date as a suffix of the rotated file
# uncomment this if you want your log files compressed
# RPM packages drop log rotation information into this directory
include /etc/logrotate.d
# no packages own wtmp and btmp -- we'll rotate them here
/var/log/wtmp {
create 0664 root utmp
minsize 1M
rotate 1
/var/log/btmp {
create 0600 root utmp
rotate 1
# system-specific logs may be also be configured here.
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