Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Restless Genomes: Humans
as a Model Organism
for Understanding
Element Dynamics
Dale J. Hedges* and Victoria P. Belancio
*Hussman Institute for Human Genomics, Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation
Department of Human Genetics, Miller School of Medicine, University of
Miami, Miami, Florida, USA
Department of Structural and Cellular Biology, Tulane School of Medicine,
Tulane Cancer Center, Tulane Center for Aging, NewOrleans, Louisiana, USA
I. Introduction
A. Mobilization and classification
B. LINEs and Tiggers (the diversity and complexity of TE
II. The Human Elements
A. L1
B. Alu
D. Human endogenous retroviruses
E. Brief evolutionary history
III. Expression and Regulation
A. Life cycle of human retroelements
B. TE expression
C. Mechanisms controlling TE expression and activity
D. Genetic variation and polymorphism of TE loci
IV. Genomic Instability
B. Retrotransposition
C. Issues in repair and recombination
V. Impact on Human Health
A. The potential for L1 to contribute to cancer and aging
B. A positive note
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