Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
The outcome of the Eurobarometer survey conducted in 2005 47 show
that Europeans are becoming increasingly optimistic about biotechnol-
ogy in general. However, the acceptance of GM food has taken another
downturn. Of the “decided” public, 58 percent oppose and 42 percent
support GM food. Only in Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Czech
Republic, and Lithuania do the supporters outnumber the opponents.
In contrast, supporters are few especially in Austria, Greece, Hungary,
Germany, and Latvia.
During September and October 2005 a special Eurobarometer was
conducted on risk issues. 48 It indicated that GMO is not the major con-
cern Europeans think of. When prompted to respond spontaneously,
only 8 percent of the participants considered GMOs a possible problem
or risk associated with food. The most frequently cited risk was food poi-
soning (16%), followed closely by chemicals, pesticides, and toxic sub-
stances at 14%, and obesity at 13%. However, when the question was
asked more precisely, that is, to what extent they are worried about GM
products in food or drinks, 25 percent of participants answered 'very wor-
ried' and 37 percent answered 'fairly worried,' which is in the midrange
of the 'worry' scale, however, it is rather high compared to the 2002
results. On the other hand, quality (42%) and price (40%) appear to be
the key factors influencing the food purchasing behavior, whereas food
safety (8%) and production methods (7%) are not primary preoccupa-
tions of consumers and do not appear to be the most important issue
in guiding their food choices. Greece (81%), Italy (77%), and Cyprus
(76%) stand out for the extent of their concern over GMproducts in food
or drinks whereas the Netherlands, Sweden, and Finland ranked lowest
for their level of worry (42% to 46% answered 'worried'). From the four-
teen items on the list of potential risks, GM products in food or drinks
came out as the top concern only in Austria, that is, seven Austrians
47 eb 64 3 final report-may2006 en
48 riskissues20060206
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