Agriculture Reference
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Furthermore, the impacts of introducing and implementing the new
EU regulations after 2000 on consumer attitudes and acceptance of agro-
food biotechnology and GM foods have not been analyzed in detail.
However, the still low and gradually decreasing consumer acceptance
in several EU member-states seems to indicate that there was no strong
positive impact in this respect. Altogether Gaskell and colleagues (2006)
come to the conclusion that recent communication activities and “the
introduction of new regulations on the commercialization of GM crops
and the labeling of GM food (EC regulation 2001/18) appears to have
done little to allay public anxieties about agri-food biotechnology in
Europe.” This view is substantiated by the fact that nearly all food pro-
cessing companies, at least in Germany, currently try to avoid the use of
GM products and materials that need to be labeled in food production
and food processing.
Angevin, F., Klein, E. K., Choimet, C., Meynard, C. M., de Rouw, A., &
Sohbi, Y. (2001). Modelisation des effets des syst emes de culture et du
climat sur les pollinisations crois ees chez le maıs. In: INRA-FNSEA (Ed.),
Pertinence economique et faisabilite d'une filiere sans utilisation d'OGM .
pp. 21-36.
Beckmann, V., Soregaroli, K., & Wesseler, J. (2006). Coexistence rules and
regulations in the European Union. American Journal of Agricultural Eco-
nomics 88, No. 5, pp. 1193-1199.
Bock, A.-K., Lheureux, K., Libeau-Dulos, M. et al. (2002). Scenarios for co-
existence of genetically modified, conventional, and organic crops in Euro-
pean agriculture. Report EUR 20394EN, Seville.
Commission of the European Communities. (2003). Commission Recom-
mendation of 23 July 2003 on guidelines for the development of national
strategies and best practices to ensure the coexistence of genetically
modified crops with conventional and organic farming, Amtsblatt der
Europ aischen Union K, p. 2624.
James, C. (2005). Global review of commercialized transgenic plants 2005 .
ISAAA: Ithaca, NY.
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