Agriculture Reference
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case of a 100-m buffer zone costs of 482
per farm are observed in case
of a 10 percent Bt adoption and 359
per farm in case of a 50 percent
adoption rate in model region I (Table 8). In model region II (with lower
relevance of maize production) the respective figures amount to 130
per farm in case of the 10 percent adoption scenario and to 99
per farm
in case of the 50 percent adoption (Table 8).
4. Effect of EU Regulationson the German Food and Feed Industry
In addition to the effects of coexistence measures in agriculture, there
are impacts of the EU regulations in place for the food and feed indus-
try as well, although only small surfaces of GM plants are cultivated in
the EU (mainly around 60,000 hectares of Bt maize in 2005 in Spain).
To analyze these effects, a comprehensive written survey was carried out
in Germany with a total of 1,700 questionnaires mailed to food and feed
processing companies to investigate and analyze the effects of regula-
tions (EC) No 1829/2003 and 1830/2003 on the German food and feed
industry in May 2005. The response rate to this survey was around 20
percent resulting in 333 filled-in questionnaires (Hirzinger and Menrad,
2006). For this chapter the answers of those branches of the food and
feed industry were separately analyzed that were defined as key branches
to be affected by the application of GMOs. Thus the empirical basis of
this analysis are filled-in questionnaires of thirty-two bakery companies,
four oil mills, twenty-nine dairy companies, twenty-seven confectioner-
ies, and forty feed producers located in Germany.
According to the survey, the German food and feed industry is
already affected by the worldwide increasing use of GMOs and the Euro-
pean GMO legislation. In Figure 3 the main strategies of the German
food and feed industry are illustrated to fulfill legal requirements of Reg-
ulations (EC) No 1829/2003 and 1830/2003.
If the food and feed industry is willing to avoid GMO labeling, they
face higher production costs to keep adventitious GM presence under
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